14 Varun
BIMONTHLY BLENDED ASSESSMENT - JULY,2021... Name :Varun Roll.no :14 The following is a link to the assignment which I have been given for a monthly progress evaluation scheme. Link to the assignment: http://medicinedepartment.blogspot.com/2021/07/medicine-paper-for-july-2021-bimonthly.html?m=1 Question 1: - https://06anvithareddy.blogspot.com/2021/07/06-anvitha-reddy.html?m=1 REVIEW:- 1)Given the detailed reviews to the cases. Even the thought the review is short but given pinpoint and detailed data 2)Peer have not did the case 3)Peer taken case was about ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY SECONDARY TO UROSEPSIS ..it has clear explanation about the history of present illness -chief complaints of the patient is explained pinpointed 4)Peer given a satisfactory explanation about the case investigations and treatment given to the patient 5)Peer was given the positive view on the relfection on telemedical learning QUESTION-2 Link the Elog you made this month I didn't g...